
Social justice activities at PUUF are guided by our UU Principles, which urge us to support local action for “justice, equity and compassion in human relations”, “the right of conscience and the use of democratic process”, and “respect for the interdependent web of all existence”.
Portneuf Valley Interfaith Fellowship
PUUF is an active member of the Portneuf Valley Interfaith Fellowship, a collective of faith groups that works for interfaith dialogue and support of local charitable works. Major activities of PVIF include the Feed the 5,000 campaign, a fall blanket drive, special events nurturing conversations about diversity, and interfaith services featuring Pocatello’s religious diversity. PUUF contributes to the PVIF fellowship fund, which helps Aid for Friends in its mission to assist people in need.
Our minister and members are active participants in 2Great4Hate, a local group working to unite the Pocatello community against hate groups and bigotry of all sorts.
Our offertories at worship services (all cash and so-designated checks) are given to non-profits working to improve lives locally, nationally, and internationally. PUUF donates several thousand dollars per year to organizations such as the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee, the Idaho Food Bank, Aid for Friends, Breaking Boundaries, and many others.
Guest at Your Table
Guest at Your Table is the annual fund drive in support of the work of the UUSC. PUUF members give generously to this campaign through Guest at Your Table change boxes.
Alternative Gift Market and Ten Thousand Villages
Joining with United Church of Christ and other local leaders, PUUF has helped host the Alternative Gift Market and Ten Thousand Villages sale just before the winter holiday season. AGM gifts provide funds to local and world charities. Proceeds from Ten Thousand Villages go to a local charitable organization, as determined by the PUUF Board.
Other PUUF Social Justice Activities
Throughout the year, PUUF members come together for other activities. Look for PUUF members carrying our “Side With Love” banner at the Martin Luther King, Jr., March every January and at other marches–4th of July, the Women’s March, and the March for Science. When called to speak out for UU principles, PUUF members are there in their yellow “Side with Love” shirts.