Links to On-Line Gatherings

Your friends in the Fellowship are continuing to gather all online. With all eyes on the COVID19 vaccine roll-out, and with a new era of administration focused on science, truth, and inclusion, we have so much cause for hope! For the time being, we can enjoy all the online opportunities for community and look forward to the sweet day we meet in person.
Updates and changes to these links will show up in our Weekly Update or in special emails. Be sure to get on our email list if you are not already.
Sunday Worship and RE: 9:30am gatherings continue, with worship services on first, third and fifth Sundays; and “RE” (religious exploration) discussions on second and fourth Sundays.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 882 1927 3095
Passcode: 230993
Wednesday Meditations: Our 11:00am Wednesday group practices mindful meditation, a silent sit for 30 minutes. All levels of experience and interest welcome, coming late or leaving early is okay.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 812 6641 0252
Passcode: 685012
Thursday WOW group: Our 7:00pm weekly WOW (Wellness On the Web) group explores topics of individual and societal wellness. Each week, recommended homework for the given topic is shared via our Google group, “Daily Online Gatherings PUUF”.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 864-0544-1152
Password: 841088
Friday Fun in Fellowship Night: Generally on third Friday of the month at 7:00pm. Gather for games, music, jokes and skits, sometimes poetry and prose…and above all, for Fun in Fellowship! Check the Events Calendar in case the date changes.
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 831 0326 8439
Passcode: 272093
Links for all these events and any others that may be added throughout the month are most readily found by receiving our brief daily emails via the Daily Online Gatherings PUUF Google group. If you are not receiving these emails, please notify Rev. Jenny and she will add you. We are also working to add all links to our website,, and Facebook page.