What Our Members Say about PUUF
“The PUUF community is exactly that – a community that supports me and my values. I can be myself here.”
Ann Swanson PUUF member since 2010
“Being a part of the PUUF Fellowship has been important to me in several ways. Feeling a greater sense of purpose by being involved in social justice issues such as LGBTQI advocacy and education, providing support to others through the Caring Committee and the development of likeminded friends are on the top of my list. Spiritual growth and the exploration and thought provoking messages in church Services in addition to adult education gatherings inspire me as well.”
Diane Michel
“I was brought into the Pocatello UU Fellowship through friends (George and Jane Ferencz) and have made many new friends in the group over the years. It’s great to have congenial companions on the spiritual journey.”
Brian Attebery