Archives: Services

Religious Exploration

Please check back later for more information. Attend in person at the Meeting House, 426 W Lewis, or via Zoom. Wearing a mask at the Meeting House is appreciated, and some are available if needed. Find the Sunday Worship service on the Zoom links page: Links to On-Line Gatherings

Sunday Service – Summer Salon

Summertime, June through Labor Day: We enjoy weekly summer salons, casual discussions on selected readings. Salons are a happy blend of worship gatherings and religious exploration sessions. Find the Sunday Worship service on the Zoom links page: Links to On-Line Gatherings

Sunday Service – Summer Salon

Summertime, June through Labor Day: We enjoy weekly summer salons, casual discussions on selected readings. Salons are a happy blend of worship gatherings and religious exploration sessions. Find the Sunday Worship service on the Zoom links page: Links to On-Line Gatherings

Sunday Service – Summer Salon

Summertime, June through Labor Day: We enjoy weekly summer salons, casual discussions on selected readings. Salons are a happy blend of worship gatherings and religious exploration sessions. Find the Sunday Worship service on the Zoom links page: Links to On-Line Gatherings

Sunday Service – Summer Salon

Our Sunday Gathering today is the first summer salon of the season, with discussion on justice work as spiritual work. We will hold a very special ceremony welcoming our new members. Attend in person at the Meeting House, 426 W Lewis, or via Zoom. Annual Congregational Meeting immediately follows the salon, using the same Zoom Link … Continue reading Sunday Service – Summer Salon

Sunday Service

Please check back later for more information. Find the Sunday Worship service on the Zoom links page: Links to On-Line Gatherings

Religious Exploration

Please check back later for more information. Find the Sunday Worship service on the Zoom links page: Links to On-Line Gatherings

Sunday Service – Mother’s Day, Then and Now

Join PUUF in person or on Zoom for our Sunday Service. We’ll celebrate Mother’s Day (yes a week late) and look at how the holiday has morphed from its humble origins into the commercialized Hallmark Mother’s Day of present times. Find the Sunday Worship service on the Zoom links page: Links to On-Line Gatherings

Religious Exploration

Please check back later for more information. Find the Sunday Worship service on the Zoom links page: Links to On-Line Gatherings

Sunday Service – Muckrakers and Righteous Responsibility?

May 1st conjures different things for different people. Rev. Jenny reflects on the Progressive Era, journalism, and religious involvement in social reform. Mark Neiwirth is Worship Coordinator. Join in worship, 9:30am this Sunday, online via Zoom or in-person at our Meeting House, 426 W. Lewis Street, Pocatello. Find the Sunday Worship service on the Zoom … Continue reading Sunday Service – Muckrakers and Righteous Responsibility?