Archives: Services

Sunday Service

Please check back later for more information. We will be having a “Town Hall” Meeting  following the service, to discuss the By-Law changes. Please put this important date on your calendar. Find the Sunday Worship service on the Zoom links page: Links to On-Line Gatherings

Religious Exploration – Online Only

Join us on-line or at the UU Meeting House for RE. We’ll continue with the Faith Like a River Series, focusing on Universalism – its history and influence on modern UUs. Find the Sunday R.E. service on the Zoom links page: Links to On-Line Gatherings

Sunday Service Online

Please check back later for more information. Find the Sunday Worship service on the Zoom links page: Links to On-Line Gatherings

Sunday Service Online

FIRST AFRICAN AMERICAN MINISTER Zoom only.  We will hear about the Rev. Joseph Jordan, largely recognized as the first African American minister ordained by the UCA (Universalist Church of America). The AUA (American Unitarian Association) and the UCA merged in 1961 to form our current UUA (Unitarian Universalist Association). Rev. Jenny will lead our worship service, with Karen … Continue reading Sunday Service Online

Sunday Service Online – BRIDGING THE DIVIDE

Online Only – Join PUUF for our regular Sunday Service. We’ll explore effective ways in communicating our ideas and disagreements with the intransigent, in keeping with our first principle. Find the Sunday Worship service on the Zoom links page: Links to On-Line Gatherings