Sunday Service

Sunday Worship and RE: 9:30am gatherings consist of worship services on first, third and fifth Sundays, and “RE” (religious exploration) discussions on second and fourth Sundays. Information on topics is sent out regularly by email. You can be added to our email list at our Contacts Page Attend in person at the Meeting House, 426 W … Continue reading Sunday Service

Beloved Community and Fungi

ZOOM LINK Like humans, fungi come in all shapes and sizesand cover the whole spectrum of relationships from parasitic to symbiotic. We’ll explore ways that some fungi and their plant, algae, and bacterial friends model for us ways of being together in resilient, caring communities. Jim Mariani is the Worship Associate, and Paul Bodily will … Continue reading Beloved Community and Fungi

Sunday Service

Please check back later for more information. Attend in person at the Meeting House, 426 W Lewis, or via Zoom. Wearing a mask at the Meeting House is appreciated, and some are available if needed. Find the Sunday Worship service on the Zoom links page: Links to On-Line Gatherings