Reverend Jenny Peek

Rev. Jenny can be reached via email,, or by text/call: (208)380-1084. Confidential meetings are available by video conference (Zoom) or by phone. In-person meetings also possible contingent upon current guidelines of health professionals and the Center For Disease Control.


Jennifer “Jenny” Peek began serving as PUUF’s minister in October of 2017. Jenny Peek is an ordained Unitarian Universalist minister and is credentialed in full fellowship with the Unitarian Universalist Association. She holds her Master of Divinity degree from Meadville Lombard Theological School.

During seminary, Jenny visited the Unitarian Universalist Church of the Philippines and met the religious leaders there, exploring just how our progressive faith developed and keeps growing in a country that is 90% Catholic. Inspired by intercultural and interfaith dialogue, Jenny took full advantage of Meadville’s Global Fellows Program and studied with religious leaders of Uganda, Japan, India, Azerbaijan, and Central African Republic.

As Intern Minister, Jenny served the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Elkhart (UUFE) in Indiana for two years. Also during her time with UUFE, she served as their sabbatical minister for six months.

Jenny is passionate about deepening the understanding of the relationships between culture and self; self and fellowship; and collective self/fellowship and the greater community. She enjoys writing, music, comedy, and theater. Jenny joins us under a two-year three-quarter time consulting ministry contract that includes opportunity for renewal or call.