Our Mission and Vision
The Pocatello Unitarian Universalist Fellowship is a caring community of individuals and families which provides a religious environment dedicated to freedom of thought and welcoming of diverse expression.
Affirm and promote the principles of the Unitarian Universalist Association within the Pocatello community.
Nurture our own and others’ spiritual growth, giving each other comfort, and sharing laughter along the way.
Celebrate life through creative expression.
Honor life experience as a source of our religious values.
Learn about the roots and meanings of our liberal religious values.
Transform our values into the will to act for peace, the environment and social justice, both individually and together.
Foster our involvement in the larger Unitarian Universalist community.
Our Vision:
We strive to be Southeast Idaho’s welcoming, open minded religious voice for all who value spiritual inquiry and work for social justice.
Our Aspirational Covenant:
May we be a compassionate religious community built on love and justice, exploring and celebrating the mysteries of life with reason, reverence, and courageous doubt. With conscious action, we can be the change we wish to see in the world.
Our Behavioral Covenant:
In pursuit of beloved community, I endeavor to be responsible for my words and actions, and honor the rights, thoughts, and feelings of others. I strive to uphold the Unitarian Universalist principles, which call me into right relations, social justice action, and environmental stewardship. To support and nurture this community I offer my time, talents, and treasure.