Speaker: Becky Hardy

Religious Exploration – FORGIVENESS

Join us for RE facilitated by Becky.  Not only does the topic have historical, religious significance, it is also a well studied concept regarding mental health in individuals. We will explore many facets of “forgiveness” during our hour together. All are welcome. Find the Sunday Worship service on the Zoom links page: Links to On-Line Gatherings

Religious Exploration – The Numinous

Awe, Wonder, and Appreciation of the Numinous. Numinous, an adjective, was believed by Rudolf Otto (a German Lutheran theologian and philosopher, who lived from 1869-1937) to describe a “profound emotional experience at the heart of the world’s religions”.  He believed specifically that the numinous religious experiences were distinctly different from other emotions and not just … Continue reading Religious Exploration – The Numinous